Landscape aspects of a Spanish sacrario: the Pyramid of the Italians (1938-1939)in the port of the Escudo (Valdebezana, Burgos)




Historical landscape, ceremonial landscape, mountain sanctuary, Pyramid of the Italians, fascist architecture


I want to propose in this article a reflection on how by the translation to a beautiful place of our Cantabrian mountains, of a sacrario of italic origin -according to G.P. Piretto, it could be defined sacrario as a mausoleum turned into a sanctuary-, the place ends up becoming a scope of ceremonial type. It is scenically weigh the archaeological remains of the cemetery that mussolinianas troops erected between 1938 and 1939, to bury the remains of more than 300 soldiers killed in the bloody Battle of the Escudo. In this essay it is observed that, in landscape, various natural and artificial, historical and religious aspects converge in the location of the sanctuary, as well as, for the cultivated soul, a feeling of melancholy frustration occurs when contemplating the vandalism that the monument suffers in the news.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Jiménez, José Miguel. 2018. “Landscape Aspects of a Spanish Sacrario: The Pyramid of the Italians (1938-1939)in the Port of the Escudo (Valdebezana, Burgos)”. Atrio. Revista De Historia Del Arte, no. 24 (December). Sevilla, España:138-53.


