In Paris We Were Also Modern; The Uruguayan Pavilion at the International Exhibition of Arts and Techniques in Modern Life, 1937




Uruguayan Architecture, Pavilion, Modernism, Nautical Architecture, Exhibition, Propaganda


Modern architecture in Uruguay does not arise from elite trends of modern lines and forms as it does in other Latin American countries. Already in the twenties, a commitment to the modern could be observed, consolidating between 1930 and 1940 when the Uruguayan State built almost all of its representative architecture from that experience. In Europe, this experience would be observed into the thirties with the reintroduction of classical tendencies and a certain degree of monumentalism adopted by different left and right-wing regimes and even by many liberal governments. Among these alternatives to the avant-garde experience of the first two decades, the Uruguayan government set up a small pavilion at the Universal Exhibition of 1937 in Paris, which was foreign and uncontaminated by such transformations.


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Author Biography

William Rey Ashfield, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay

William Rey Ashfield is an architect from the University of the Republic of Uruguay (Udelar), and a Doctor in Art History from the University of Pablo de Olavide, Seville. He is currently Professor of History of Architecture and Coordinator of the Intervention on Architectural Heritage Postgraduate Degree at the School of Architecture of Udelar. He is also a Professor and Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Art and Heritage at the School of Humanities of the University of Montevideo. He has published works in various scientific publications and presented his research in different academic meetings in America and Europe. Since 2020, he has worked as the Director General of the National Cultural Heritage Commission of Uruguay, and between 2006 and 2008 he was the President of the Commission. Since 2019, he has worked as a consultant for the Organization of American States (OAS) in the field of cultural heritage.


Fuentes documentales

Archivo Histórico Diplomático del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Uruguay. Subfondo de Legaciones y Embajadas. Embajada de la República en Francia (1920- 1950).

Centro del Archivo Diplomático en Nantes. Legajo Uruguay.

Fuentes bibliográficas

Annales. 2a. época, 18, no. 115 (octubre-noviembre de 1937).

Calvar, Didier. “El Pabellón uruguayo en la Exposición de París de 1937 y la propaganda terrista.” En 70.o Aniversario del Guernica de Picasso y la exposición de París de 1937. Compilación de ponencias del coloquio por Didier Calvar [Publicado en CD]. Montevideo: Udelar, 2007.

D´Uckerman, Par P. L´Art dans la Vie Moderne. Paris: Flamarion, 1937.



How to Cite

Rey Ashfield, William. 2022. “In Paris We Were Also Modern; The Uruguayan Pavilion at the International Exhibition of Arts and Techniques in Modern Life, 1937”. Atrio. Revista De Historia Del Arte, no. 28 (December). Sevilla, España:252-69.


