Funerary Architecture in Gijon:

Municipal Cemetery of Deva. Analysis of the Urbanistic Plans (1989-1999).




Architecture, Urban Spaces, Funerary Art, Cemetery of Deva, 20th Century, Urbanism of Gijón


Into the 20th Century, many of the cemeteries from the middle of the Enlightenment period, are absorbed by urban development. The search, then, for a new location in accordance with current regulations, will be one of the main factors for this new way of cemeteries, built at the end of the 20th Century. This study focuses on the city of Gijón. El Sucu, used during the 20th Century, had been completely absorbed by urban development of the city. The solution was to build The New Cemetery of Gijón (1999), located in Deva. The current ideas about this burial works are far away from the previous constructions. In this study we analyze not only these issues related with architecture and urbanism, but all these research lines and how this development was conditioned because of a social change of mind related with the funeral issues.


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Author Biography

Sandra Sánchez García, Universidad de Oviedo, España

PhD in Art History (University of Oviedo and New York University). Currently, within this same academic institution, she is studying for a doctorate in Gender and Diversity. Much of her research on topics ranging from the figure of the Spanish artist Juan Botas, queer studies, visual arts, modern art, and cinema with gender and diversity perspective. She also focuses her research on funerary art and the didactics of Art History. Currently she is working on projects examining the art on films and other audio-visuals forms. She is committed to using an intersectional perspective to understand the dynamics and the use of art within other audio-visual supports, supported by gender studies.


Fuentes documentales:

Archivo Municipal de Gijón (AMG). Gijón. Fondos.

INE. Instituto Nacional de Estadística. Consultado el 8 de mayo de 2023.

Ley I: Sobre la construcción de cementerios fuera de poblado para el entierro de cadáveres, de 1804. Novísima recopilación de las leyes de España, t. VI, Tít. III, Suplemento, Ibarra, Madrid, 1806.

Fuentes periodísticas:

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“El Sucu, sin nuevos títulos.” La Nueva España, 13 de mayo de 2007. Consultado el 13 de abril de 2023.

Ceinos, J. M. “Vermú en la plaza elíptica.” La Nueva España, 24 de febrero de 2013. Consultado el 13 de mayo de 2023.

Collado, Aida. “El cementerio de Deva estrenará ‘El parque de las cenizas’ en enero.” El Comercio, 25 de octubre de 2008. Consultado el 13 de abril de 2023.

Palacios, Luján. “El cementerio de Deva contará con un horno para incinerar restos humanos del osario.” La Nueva España, 15 de mayo de 2012. Consultado el 13 de abril de 2023.

Fuentes bibliográficas:

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How to Cite

Sánchez García, Sandra. 2023. “Funerary Architecture in Gijon: : Municipal Cemetery of Deva. Analysis of the Urbanistic Plans (1989-1999)”. Atrio. Revista De Historia Del Arte, no. 29 (December). Sevilla, España:308-30.



Monographic Dossier