About a quote from Al-bakrī on the islamization of Songhay royalty


  • José Luis de Villar Iglesias Universidad Pablo de Olavide




Caliphate of Cordoba, Songhay, Islamization, al-Andalus, Western Sudan, IX-XI centuries


On his Kitāb al-masālik wa-l-mamālik, the inimitable geographer from al-Andalus al-Bakrī (1014?-1094), dealed with the description of the known existing world, even though the fragments preserved were just the ones referred to Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Al Andalus, Maghreb and Sudan. In the chapter dedicated to bilād al-sūdān, the country of black people, al-Bakrī alludes in a very special and interesting way to the early Islamization of the monarchs of Kawkaw, Gao nowadays, in the heart of river Niger, and historical capital of Songhay dynasty. The goal of this paper is to ascertain the information sources given by al-Bakrī and so, to provide an interpreting theory in light of archaeologycal and documentary sources.


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How to Cite

Villar Iglesias, J. L. de. (2021). About a quote from Al-bakrī on the islamization of Songhay royalty. Bajo Guadalquivir Y Mundos Atlánticos, (3), 94–110. https://doi.org/10.46661/bajoguadalquivirmundosatl.5872


