Newspaper El Martillo

The mirror of the coopers’ fight from Jerez




Guild of coopers, El Martillo, labor press, labor movement, strike-brakers, alcoholism


In this investigation, we will analyze the 97 copies that are conserved from the 2nd period of the Jerez weekly newspaper El Martillo, published between 1913 and 1918. A newspaper that, beyond being the organ of the Guild of Coopers, constitutes a valuable source to through whose pages we can study the reality of the workers of Jerez and the province. Throughout the paper, we will analyze the role played by this newspaper in the labor and union struggle of the region, stimulating union between workers, denouncing injustices and abuses, informing and supporting strikes and demonstrations, etc. Similarly, we will discuss the important social work carried out by the newspaper in various aspects such as alcoholism or education. Finally, through El Martillo we will approach the position of the labor movement on different issues such as bullfighting, the Great War or the environment.


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Author Biography

Miriam Orozco Núñez, Universidad de Cádiz




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How to Cite

Orozco Núñez, M., & Collado Ávila, P. (2021). Newspaper El Martillo: The mirror of the coopers’ fight from Jerez. Bajo Guadalquivir Y Mundos Atlánticos, (3), 111–125.


