Present and future of corporate finance




Corporate finance, Paradigm of the seventies, Financial decisions


This article, as it is reflected in its title, sets out what are the current reality and future prospects of corporate finance. It begins by explaining its birth as an academic discipline and its evolution, focusing on the problems that are addressed and the solutions that are used in the late seventies of the last century, which can be considered as the moment of its consolidation (paradigm of the seventies). After that there is an analysis of the main contributions of the last 40 years, with their strengths and weaknesses; noting that the progress has not been disruptive. The work concludes by looking at where the progress of corporate finance could or should go in the years to come.


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How to Cite

Gómez-Bezares, F. (2017) “Present and future of corporate finance”, De Computis, 14(27), pp. 101–130. doi: 10.26784/issn.1886-1881.v14i27.316.



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