In Memoriam

José Manuel Rodríguez Gordillo in the historiography of Spanish tobacco


  • Santiago de Luxán Meléndez Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria



Jose Manuel Rodriguez Gordillo, historian and collaborator with historical-accounting researchers.

José Manuel Rodríguez Gordillo, professor of Modern History at the University of Seville and Director of the Historical Archive of the Tobacco Factory of Seville passed away almost two years ago. He was an affable person in love with historical research on tobacco.

During his time as Director of the Historical Archive he received many researchers from different disciplines and, among them, also from the History of Accounting. One of his virtues was to welcome researchers giving them all kinds of explanations and offering his help and guidance based on his years as a researcher in this Archive.

In view of his unexpected death, it is worth this small posthumous tribute. I have therefore taken the liberty of asking his good friend, Santiago Luxán, from the University of Las Palmas, to tell us about his academic career.

On behalf of the accounting historians who have approached the Archive you directed: thank you José Manuel.

Fernando Gutiérrez


"José Manuel Rodríguez Gordillo in the historiography of Spanish tobacco".

At the request of Fernando Gutiérrez I dare to write a few lines, in which I will try to highlight what has meant within the historiography of Spanish tobacco Rodríguez Gordillo, unforgettable historian from Seville, who left us almost two years ago. José Manuel was a professor of Modern History at the University of Seville, where he began as an assistant professor between 1964 and 2007, the year in which he took early retirement to focus on research work.



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L. ALONSO, L. GÁLVEZ, y S. LUXÁN, S. (eds.), (2006): "La historia del tabaco en España, 1808-2006", en Tabaco e Historia Económica. Estudios sobre fiscalidad, consumo y empresa (siglos XVII-XX). Madrid, Fundación Altadis, Ediciones El Umbral, p. 25.

S. Carmona, M. Ezzamel, y F. Gutiérrez, (1997) "Control and Cost Accounting Practices in the Spanish Royal Tobacco Factory". En: Accounting, Organizations and Society, 22, 1997, pp. 411-446; F. Gutiérrez, "Sistemas de información para la toma de decisiones: el caso de la Real Fábrica de Tabacos de Sevilla (1775-1779), en A. González Enciso y R. Torres Sánchez (eds.) (1999): Tabaco y economía en el siglo XVIII, Pamplona, Eunsa. pp. 271-288.

F. Gutiérrez, Distribución especial y cambio de organización: el caso de la Real Fábrica de Tabacos de Sevilla en el siglo XVIII, Tesis Doctoral, Universidad de Sevilla, 1993.

F. Gutiérrez y D. Romero, "La gestión del tiempo en el entorno productivo: el caso de la Real Fábrica de tabacos de Sevilla (1744-1790)", en Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad, V.XXX, 109, 2002, pp. 641-662.

S. Luxán y M. Gárate, "La creación de un Sistema Atlántico del tabaco (siglos XVII-XVIII). El papel de los monopolios tabaqueros. Una lectura desde la perspectiva española", en Anais de Historia de Além Mar, 2010,pp. 145-175.

M. Macías y S. Carmona, "Institutional Pressures, Monopolistic Conditions and the Implementation of Early Cost Management Practices: The Case of the Royal Tobacco Factory of Seville (1820-1887)" , Abacus, 2001, Vol.37 (2), pp.139-165.

J.M. Rodríguez Gordillo, "El tabaco del uso medicinal a la industrialización", en La Agricultura Viajera. Real Jardín Botánico, 1990, pp. 53-81

J.M. Rodríguez Gordillo, La difusión del tabaco en España. Diez estudios, Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla-Fundación Altadis, 2002

J.M. Rodríguez Gordillo, "El pensamiento de los economistas españoles y la Renta del Tabaco en la primera mitad del siglo XVIII", en A. González Enciso (ed.), Política económica y gestión de la Renta del Tabaco, Madrid, Fundación Altadis-Ediciones El Umbral, 2008, especialmente pp. 37-68

J.M. Rodríguez Gordillo, "El estanco del tabaco y el modelo de gestión colonial en el siglo XVIII", en J. Astigarraga, M. V. López-Cordón, J.M. Urquía (coords.), lustraciones, San Sebastián, 2009, vol. 2, pp. 595-616



How to Cite

Luxán Meléndez, S. de (2017) “In Memoriam: José Manuel Rodríguez Gordillo in the historiography of Spanish tobacco”, De Computis, 14(26), pp. 246–252. doi: 10.26784/issn.1886-1881.v14i26.304.



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