Economic and accounting study of the Compañía General de Tabacos de Filipinas: 1882-1922
Accounting history, Spain, Tobacco Company, XX centuryAbstract
The objective of this paper is to study the accounting of Compañía General de Tabacos de Filipinas, the most important private tobacco company in Spain, starting from the documentation held by the National Archives of Catalonia (Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya). The study covers 40 years, from 1881 (year of founding) to 1922.
In the first part the activities and development of the firm has been studied. Specifically, how the company diversified the activities, and the problems that arose. It is especially interesting how the firm expanded during the First War World, and how this fact determined the future of the corporation because after that, the firm concentrated the operations.
In the second part, the focus is on the balance sheet and the profit and loss accounts, analyzing each element in detail. Also, here we can observe how the needs for more information grew as the same time as the company became larger. It is remarkably that although the firm shows a very sophisticated book keeping, the use of certain items are excessive and do not allows seeing the business development.
It is possible to conclude that the company accounting information as well as fulfill the legal requirements, permitted to make decisions over the different segments and shows a high degree of performance, which is surprising in a time without technological aid. It is also necessary to state that given the geographical distance among the different factories, the control over each one was only based on accounting and administrative information.
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