Expenditure on building works in the Monastery of Oseira between 1747 and 1832


  • Elena Gallego Rodríguez Universidad de Vigo
  • Dolores Rivero Universidad de Vigo




Accounting History, Book of Works, Book of Accounts


The paper we present analyses and describes the spending on building works in which Monastery of Oseira (Ourense) incurred between 1747 and 1832. This particular period has been chosen, not because the special relevance of the works compared to those of other periods, but because it is the time span in which the only documentary evidences that have been framed.

To get our objective, we started studying the rules that governed this type of spendings in order to see how they were reflected in the Works` Book and the Accounts `Book.

The conclusions of our study reveals that the expenses on building works were very high, but the execution of these works did not at all depended on the amount of money collected by the monks, since years of substantial incomes were not directly related to years of considerable expenditure on building works, which reveals that Monastery of Oseira was concerned with a great capacity of revenue raising.


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How to Cite

Gallego Rodríguez, E. and Rivero, D. (2012) “Expenditure on building works in the Monastery of Oseira between 1747 and 1832”, De Computis, 9(16), pp. 55–75. doi: 10.26784/issn.1886-1881.v9i16.88.



Artículos Doctrinales / Doctrinal Articles