Con la colaboración de:
Ambigua: Revista de Investigaciones sobre Género y Estudios Culturales
Ambigua: Revista de Investigaciones sobre Género y Estudios Culturales is an on-line monographic journal which deals with topics within gender and cultural studies field from an interdisciplinary approach.
Americanía: Journal of Latin American Studies
Americanía aims to create a framework for discussion so that researchers can analyse, from a multidisciplinary perspective, the Latin American worlds of the past and present. We propose Americanía as an open and plural academic space that allows researchers from different backgrounds and disciplines to establish a fruitful exchange of the latest scientific advances in the field of Latin American history.
Atrio. Revista de Historia del Arte
Atrio. Revista de Historia del Arte, with e-ISSN: 2659-5230, is a scientific publication of the Art History Department of the Universidad Pablo de Olavide, published annually and subject to the blind peer review system. It was founded in 1988, with ISSN 0214-8293, with the aim of publishing original and unpublished studies on Cultural Heritage and Art History, with historical, critical, aesthetic analysis, etc., in any field and period, both in Spain and Latin America. It is aimed at the community of researchers, teachers and scholars of these disciplines. It is published in electronic format, providing access to its content under the indicated license and without charging any cost for the sending, publication or dissemination of articles.
Bajo Guadalquivir y Mundos Atlánticos
The journal aims to promote the interpretation and historical research of the Lower Guadalquivir area and the process of cultural transmission between Western Andalusia and the territories of the Atlantic area from the perspective of disciplines as diverse as they are complementary (History, Archaeology, Prehistory, Literature, Art, etc.). In this way, local specificity can be framed within a universe of connectivities and comparisons that give rise to a broad framework of common culture in which the same element or process can manifest itself in very different ways but without losing its original essence. In addition, it aims to be a clear commitment to the promotion of historiographical sciences and archival studies through a continuous and effective publication of new research, which together with its innovative work system based on OJS, places it at the forefront of journals of this profile.
Comparative Cultural Studies: European and Latin American Perspectives
Comparative Cultural Studies: European and Latin American Perspectives is a scientific journal of international scope and has a vocation for interdisciplinarity, as well as for the promotion of transdisciplinary experiences. The transdisciplinary approach promotes a deeper and more adequate understanding of human and socio-cultural facts, no longer centered on a rigid disciplinary vision, and values education, cultural and social anthropology, communication and linguistics, history, literature, sociology, psycho-pedagogical studies, economic and political sciences, geography, and international relations.
RES PUBLICA Notebooks in Law and Criminology
RES PUBLICA Notebooks in Law and Criminology is a scientific publication aimed at a public interested in the issues of academic reflection, critical work and legal and criminological research, published every six months, which disseminates scientific work, accepting original articles on any of its fields, and stimulating reflection through the most up-to-date legal and criminological analysis.
As a sign of identity, RES PUBLICA Notebooks in Law and Criminology proposes to its potential authors that they study the legal reality by focusing their attention on the abstract elements that transcend social realities, considering the social facts that concern society such as; crimes and offences, their perpetrators and victims, the response of the formal and informal social control mechanisms to these, and the action of justice, in order to obtain effective results, which can guide decision-making based on the academic studies and research that are approached.
De Computis
DE COMPUTIS, Spanish Journal of Accounting History (ISSN: 1886-1881)
Is a biannual scientific journal specialized on Accounting History, edited in collaboration with the Spanish Association of Accounting and Business Administration (AECA).
GECONTEC: Revista Internacional de Gestión del Conocimiento y la Tecnología
Gecontec is the International Journal of Knowledge and Technology Management. Gecontec is aimed at studying and analyzing issues related to knowledge management and technology in organizations. Gecontec is published by Pablo de Olavide University.
IJERI: International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation
International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation (IJERI) is an international scientific journal that aims to promote reflection and multidisciplinary research on Educational Innovation and Research. It arises from an International teaching group called Innovagogía®:
All published articles are subject to a rigorous peer review process. Its Editorial and Scientific Councils are made up of teachers from different countries of the world. -
Lex Social: Journal of Social Rights
Lex Social, Revista de Derechos Sociales is a biannual journal that aims to contribute to the scientific debate on social rights and the legal needs of our society in relation to them.
Materiales para la Historia del Deporte
Materiales is an interdisciplinary scientific and informative publication, which aims to promote the exchange of ideas and researches in the field of history of physical exercise, physical education and sports in general.
Meldar: International Journal of Sephardic Studies
Meldar: International journal of Sephardic studies is an electronic publication that aims to create a forum for the dissemination and exchange of scientific research in the scope of the Sephardic studies from any perspective or methodology.
The journal is presented as an open and plural academic forum that allows researchers from different backgrounds and disciplines to establish a fruitful exchange of the state-of-the-art scientific advances in this field of study.
Meldar: International journal of Sephardic studies is published at the Pablo de Olavide University in Seville.
Revista de Economía Crítica
Revista de Economía Crítica, ISSN 2013-5254, is a biannual electronic publication, promoted by the Asociación de Economía Crítica since 2003. Revista de Economía Crítica publishes academic works of theoretical and empirical research on Marxist, post-Keynesian, institutional, ecological, feminist, political economy, political ecology, critical development studies, international economic policy, etc. Texts with multidisciplinary and international approaches are particularly welcome.
RELIES: Revista del Laboratorio Iberoamericano para el Estudio Sociohistórico de las Sexualidades
Relies es la Revista del Laboratorio Iberoamericano para el Estudio Sociohistórico de las Sexualidades de carácter abierto. Su objetivo es el análisis inter y pluridisciplinar de la sexualidad, el cuerpo y el g´éero. Acepta artículos de investigación, ensayos y reseña de libros, y traduccciones de artículos relevantes. A su vez, se acepta propuestas de números monográficos.
Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration
The Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration aims to be a useful mean of communication for all those who research on mathematical, statistical or econometric techniques and their possible applications in the world of business and economy.
Since its inception, the Journal has been published by professors in the Department of Economics, Quantitative Methods and Economic History at Pablo de Olavide University in Seville (Spain).
International Journal of Political Thought
The International Journal of Political Thought (RIPP) is an annual publication focusing on political philosophy and the philosophy of law, produced by the Laboratory of Political Ideas and Practices (LIPPO). It consists mainly of peer-reviewed original articles.
It is deposited in the main law and political science university libraries in Spain. It has fixed sections in each issue: two monographs, managed by a coordinator, various studies, in memoriam, biographical sketches of the authors. The sections alternate between issues: Testimony, The RIPP Debate, Interview, Spanish Political Thought, Unpublished. Free and open access to all the contents of the issues of the review is granted to anyone interested, free of charge, and all articles may be printed and distributed, with the sole condition that the source and authorship are indicated. RIPP has been included in the main evaluation databases and agencies, including Web of Science, and since 2021, the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) awarded the Journal with the "Excelence Certificate" after having successfully passed the evaluation process in the following calls, which guarantees its editorial and scientific quality.
Motivation and precedents: the raison d'être of a journal of political thought
The main reason for the creation of the International Review of Political Thought (RIPP) is the non-existence in our country of scientific journals devoted exclusively to political philosophy, probably due to the lack of an area of knowledge in political philosophy. On the other hand, there is a solvent presence of journals in philosophy of law and moral philosophy.
La razón específica para los promotores de la revista es la de llevar a último término los pasos previamente dados en el fomento de los estudios sobre filosofía política. Los promotores de la revista forman el Grupo de Investigación SEJ 277 (Grupos PAIDI de la Junta de Andalucía). Este grupo, residenciado en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla, formado en su mayor parte por profesores de esta universidad, ha desarrollado ya varias acciones para la promoción de los estudios de filosofía política en nuestra universidad.
First: The initiative in the creation of a degree in Political Science and Administration, which already belongs to the map of the university's degrees, and which is offered as a separate degree and jointly with the degrees in Law and Business Administration and Management. This newly created degree has been a success in terms of the number of students enrolled. The main researcher of the Research Group, Prof. Soriano, co-director of the journal, was the president of the Commission for the elaboration of the study plan for the degree in Political Science and Administration.
Second: The promotion of a doctorate from our university with the title "Political Thought, Democracy and Citizenship", with several editions to date, and which has obtained the mention of quality from the Ministry. The co-directors and coordinators of this doctoral programme belong to the aforementioned Research Group.
Third: The direction and management of collections of political thought in the publishing houses Almuzara and Aconcagua. In the first publishing house ( numerous volumes have been published in a short period of time, with members of the Research Group being authors, co-authors or translators-prologists of a large number of these books. In the second publishing house ( members of the Research Group have published collective volumes and short essays in the collections "Política y Sociedad" (collective volumes) and "Cuadernos de Derecho, Política y Sociedad" (short essays).
This process of promoting teaching and research in the field of political philosophy has culminated in the creation in 2006 of the annual International Journal of Political Thought (RIPP). The journal is directed and managed by the Pablo de Olavide University's Laboratory of Political Ideas and Practices (LIPPO). It has the collaboration of the University of Huelva, Pablo de Olavide University and the Fundación Tercer Milenio.
Revista para la difusión de jóvenes investigadores del Mundo Antiguo.
Editada en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla.
Itálica: Revista para la difusión de jóvenes investigadores del Mundo Antiguo (RITA) nace en el seno de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide para compilar y difundir los trabajos y artículos de carácter científico de jóvenes investigadores relacionados con el Mundo Antiguo (Historia, Arqueología, Filología Clásica, Literatura...) y su pervivencia y relevancia en la actualidad. Se concibe para publicar artículos científicos que son la síntesis de los distintos Trabajos de Fin de Grado (TFG) y de Máster (TFM). Además, busca hacerse eco de aquellos jóvenes de secundaria y bachillerato con interés por la labor investigadora junior en este campo, así como reunir creaciones literarias igualmente relacionadas con este ámbito.
La RITA nació como propuesta de TFG de la mano de Manuel Alejandro González Muñoz y Helena Valverde Reyes, quienes emprendieron el camino de querer realizar una revista electrónica que introdujese a los estudiantes a una primera aproximación de la trayectoria académica y motivase a la creación literaria y difusión de la Antigüedad.
ISSN: 2444-6777
Romula es una revista científica internacional de Arqueología y Arquitectura antigua fundada en 2002 y publicada por el Seminario de Arqueología de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla.
Se publica anualmente y está dirigida a arqueólogos, historiadores, historiadores de la arquitectura, del arte y de las religiones, antropólogos del mundo antiguo, epigrafistas, restauradores, arquitectos y profesionales relacionados con la documentación, estudio e intervención en el patrimonio arqueológico. Su objetivo es promover marcos de debate e intercambio de ideas entre los estudiosos interesados en la arqueología, con un enfoque particular en la arquitectura antigua. En sus secciones de artículos, notas críticas y reseñas se da cabida a trabajos originales de investigación, novedades científicas y hallazgos importantes, producidos en diversas partes del mundo, así como estados de la cuestión o recensiones de monografías de calidad. Los originales, evaluados por el Comité de Redacción y por revisores externos mediante el sistema de 'doble ciego', se publican en español, inglés, italiano, francés y alemán, aunque excepcionalmente se admiten originales remitidos en otros idiomas. Cada artículo cuenta con título, resumen, y palabras clave en inglés.
Sociología del Deporte
Sociology of Sport (SD) arises with the purpose of creating a space for reflection and debate on the sports phenomenon from the perspective of the social sciences. It aims to connect the main theories and currents of sociology - but also those of related disciplines (anthropology, history, social psychology, sports science and political and moral philosophy) - with the intellectual debate of our time around the sports phenomenon from a scientifically rigorous point of view. It promotes the study of the sport phenomenon as an expression of social reality and encourages the analysis of social facts and changes through sport. Therefore, the journal is open to all researchers in the social sciences, regardless of their degree of specialization. Sociología del Deporte (SD) begins its publication in 2020 with biannual periodicity, in paper and electronic format. It aims to become a publication of international reference, with the vocation of integrating the existing debates around the sports phenomenon in Spain, Europe, Latin America, and the rest of the world. For this reason, the journal publishes contributions in Spanish and English.
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“The opinions and facts presented in each article are the exclusive responsibility of the authors, as well as the credibility and authenticity of the work”