Corporate social responsibility and protection of workers’ human rights: the case of Germany
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Corporate Social Responsability (CSR), Protection of fundamental rights of workers, global supply chains, liability of transnational companiesResumen
The following Article analyzes recent developments of German law regarding CSR and the protection of human rights in the production sites of foreign subsidiaries and suppliers of German companies. It gives a brief overview on the National Action Plan of the Federal Government, adopted in 2016, analyzes possibilities of a direct enforcement of human rights violations before German courts and gives a survey on some relevant instruments German law uses to promote the respect of human rights by German companies (e.g. CSR transparency and public procurement law). Finally, the current debate on the adoption of a “Supply Chains Act” is briefly assessed. The author argues that the CSR debate in Germany has reached a crossroad with the Federal Government’s initiative for a “Supply Chains Act” since such Act would probably establish a supply chain due diligence and also a delictual liability of German companies for human rights violations caused by a non-compliance with its statutory duties to control its supply chain. However, the outcome of this ongoing debate still is unclear.
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