The expert proof: management and content in a judgment of civil liability for environmental damage


  • Ricardo Antonio Salas Alvarado Universidad de Alcalá
  • Tania García López Universidad de Alcalá



Civil liability, environmental damage, expert evidence


The expert evidence is a means used in civil trials through which a damage caused to the property or property of a person is demonstrated. In the case of a civil liability lawsuit for damages caused to the environment, this test would generate a broad view of the damage caused.

Regarding the relief of the expert evidence, the procedural necessity of certain legal changes to the applicable legal provisions will be explained; with the purpose that this test is a legal tool of utility for the judge when resolving a judgment of an environmental nature.


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How to Cite

Salas Alvarado, R. A., & García López, T. (2021). The expert proof: management and content in a judgment of civil liability for environmental damage. Lex Social: Journal of Social Rights, 9(1), 588–602.