The transnational labour regulation of multinational enterprises


  • Jean-Michel Servais Profesor invitado de la Universidad de Girona Presidente de honor de la Sociedad Internacional de Derecho del Trabajo y de la seguridad Social. Ex-director de la OIT.



Multinational corporations, regulation, ILO, codes of conduct, corporate social responsibility


The considerable financial power acquired by the multinational enterprises has destabilized, in addition to the people, the States that lose their ability to decide alone of their economic and social policies as well as the international organizations whose capacities come from those of the States. This intricate situation underlines the need for adequate transnational regulation. Distinct legal instruments complete national labour legislation and the ILO law, improve them, without substituting or transforming them as they also have their shortcomings. The current solutions and their weaknesses will be the object of the first and second part respectively of this contribution. The conclusions contain some suggestions to better overcome the negative social consequences of globalization.


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How to Cite

Servais, J.-M. (2020). The transnational labour regulation of multinational enterprises . Lex Social: Journal of Social Rights, 10(2), 71–100.

