Care work: tensions created by its definition, its operating regimes, and its social organization




Care, gender, social organization, unpaid work, social reproduction, politics


Starting with the analysis of the different terms which define caregiving, and taking into account the dual perspective of the “ethics of care”, and the subsequent links with gender theory, we shall study the different dimensions of caregiving when defined as actual work, both paid and unpaid. On the one hand, we shall examine the role played by said definitions in the sexual division of labour, but also from the standpoint of care networks.  The aim is to highlight not only the importance of caregiving within the existing labour market organisation, but to also underline the workings of current societies from a social reproduction standpoint.

Thus, and considering the social element, we shall study the tensions created by the connections between unpaid and paid caregiving amongst women. These tensions will be examined taking into account the effects of the social organisation of care, as well as the interaction between institutions, family and markets - all of them seen within the context of the current global caregiving crisis, and as a starting point for a new social pact.


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How to Cite

Cachón González, E. (2021). Care work: tensions created by its definition, its operating regimes, and its social organization. Lex Social: Journal of Social Rights, 11(1), 558–586.

