Domestic work and its social protection, in the vision of Venezuela




domestic work, working conditions, social protection, Venezuela


Article 207 of the Organic Law of Labor, Workers and Workers, calls them domestic workers, who perform work at home or to a specific person, for their personal service or for their family, being the private drivers, waiters, cooks, gardeners, babysitters, laundries, ironers, and other similar trades. It should be noted that in Venezuela the regime of these workers was initially developed in the repealed labor legislation (1997), however, with the current labor legislation (2012), the characteristics and other provisions indicated in the repealed legislation were suppressed, when that the rules that will govern the labor relations of these workers will be contemplated in a special-normative law that has not yet been promulgated - which has meant that its regime has been developed by doctrine and judgments of the Supreme Court of Justice, where it has also not ratified, unlike other countries, ILO Convention 189 (2011). Therefore, the objective of the article is to present the scenario of the social protection of domestic work in Venezuela, a predominantly precarious work, generally performed by migrant women and with significant exposure to occupational hazards.


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How to Cite

Tropiano Sanoja, Y. ., & Noguera González, A. A. (2021). Domestic work and its social protection, in the vision of Venezuela. Lex Social: Journal of Social Rights, 11(1), 654–680.

