A (necessary) step beyond the employment status. Analysis and assessment of the proposal for a directive on improving working conditions in platform work





proposal for a directive, digital platforms, presumption of employement, algorithmic management, employment status, automated decisions


The construction of a renewed Social Europe has taken another step forward with the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on improving working conditions in platform work. The main provision of this proposal is the introduction of a “presumption” of the employment status of workers in digital platforms, based on the concurrence of certain indications of control by the platforms. In addition to this provision, individual and collective rights of algorithmic management are also recognised for platform workers, such as the right of supervision or the right of human review of automated decisions. In the course of this article, the provisions of this proposal for a directive will be analysed in detail. Its possible problems of effectiveness or operability will be highlighted, as well as its impact on the transposition into Spanish Labour Law, with a view to its modification in the legislative procedure. This study will explain the true legal nature of the “presumption” of employment and its implications for the burden of proof, as well as the improvements that the proposal’s algorithmic management rights may introduce with respect to the GDPR and the “Rider Act”.


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How to Cite

Gil Otero, L. (2022). A (necessary) step beyond the employment status. Analysis and assessment of the proposal for a directive on improving working conditions in platform work . Lex Social: Journal of Social Rights, 12(1), 89–121. https://doi.org/10.46661/lexsocial.6453

