Sharenting: new challenge for the right to image and data protection for children and adolescents


  • Selena Cebrián Beltrán Investigadora doctoral. Universitat de València



sharenting, minors, consent, data protection, collateral influencers


Sharenting or eagerness of parents to share images of their children is overexposing minors to social networks and turning them into "collateral influencers". This conduct may constitute an unlawful interference against the fundamental right to privacy, honor and the child's own image, as well as affect the fundamental right to data protection. This article will analyze from a normative and jurisprudential point of view: (i) in which cases we are faced with a violation of these fundamental rights and in which cases such intrusion is not contemplated; (ii) the value of the minor's consent and the age and maturity to give it according to international and national regulations; (iii) the ways in which the fundamental rights of the minor can be protected and the role of the Public Prosecutor's Office.


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How to Cite

Cebrián Beltrán, S. (2023). Sharenting: new challenge for the right to image and data protection for children and adolescents. Lex Social: Journal of Social Rights, 13(2), 1–21.


