El sistema agroalimentario globalizado: imperios alimentarios y degradación social y ecológica


  • Manuel Delgado Cabeza Universidad deSevilla, departamento Economia Aplicada II


North-South agro-food relations, social and environmental rural deterioration, agro-systems degradation, food security, food crisis, food globalization, agro-food system


The alimentary function has undergone a long process that has driven to its progressive integration into the industrial organization of production, distribution and food consumption. The following pages attempt to present, firstly, the main performance characteristics of the agrofood system in globalization, with special emphasis on the strategies of the mega-corporations that rule the food chain, to continue, in the second part, with a presentation of the food crisis as a consequence the proper functioning of the system. This crisis is reflected in the social, as malnutrition, hunger and exclusion, on the one hand, affecting to a significant part of the world's population, located mainly in southern countries; and, on the other, as alimentary disorders and diseases, nutritional risk, etc. in the North. The environmental aspect of this crisis is an essential component of the ecological and civilization crisis in which we are immersed.


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How to Cite

Delgado Cabeza, Manuel. 2021. “El Sistema Agroalimentario Globalizado: Imperios Alimentarios Y degradación Social Y ecológica”. Revista De Economía Crítica, no. 10 (July):32-61. https://upo.es/revistas/index.php/rec/article/view/9713.



Crisis of the agri-food model and alternatives