Ethnosexuality and transbinary gender identities: ethnographic notes for reflection


  • Agueda Gómez Suárez Universidad de Vigo
  • Natividad Gutierrez Chong IIS-UNAM


ethnosexuality, multi-gender societies, Zapotecs, muxes, nguius, Isthmus of Tehuantepec


This paper addresses, from the perspective of ethnosexuality, the analysis of the narratives and stories of trans people in the context of a society that contemplates the existence of multiple genders: the Zapotecs of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, in Mexico, in order to identify the main characteristics of this society. The findings found underscore the flexibility and plasticity of these ethnic transbinary categories that transcend binary models and that enable the existence of institutionalized social spaces for their own and socially recognized non-binary gender identities.


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How to Cite

Gómez Suárez, A., & Gutierrez Chong, N. (2020). Ethnosexuality and transbinary gender identities: ethnographic notes for reflection. RELIES: Revista Del Laboratorio Iberoamericano Para El Estudio Sociohistórico De Las Sexualidades, (2), 115–141. Retrieved from