What is Taught About LGBT+ Issues in the Psychology Curriculum in Chilean Universities?


  • Felipe Concha Aqueveque Universidad Diego Portales
  • Claudio Martínez Universidad Diego Portales
  • Christian Spuler Universidad Diego Portales




LGBT+ , psychology , curriculum , Chile


Although it is known that there are differences in the vital and psychic development of heterosexual, cisgender people, and LGBT+ people, the training curricula of health careers include little or no information on these issues. There is no empirical information about this scarcity in the particular case of psychology careers in Latin America. In this context, the Latin American Network of Mental Health Research in Psychotherapy and Mental Health in Sexual and Gender Diversity has decided to conduct a multicenter study to answer the question: What is taught about sexual, affective, and gender diversity in the psychology curriculum? This article corresponds to the results of the pilot study in Chile with a sample of six universities. Ninety-three psychotherapy and mental health programs were reviewed through a systematic review of gray or non-conventional literature. The research results in evidence favoring the null or scarce approach to LGBT+ issues in psychology, finding only six explicit references in the totality of programs reviewed.


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How to Cite

Concha Aqueveque, F., Martínez, C., & Spuler, C. (2023). What is Taught About LGBT+ Issues in the Psychology Curriculum in Chilean Universities?. RELIES: Revista Del Laboratorio Iberoamericano Para El Estudio Sociohistórico De Las Sexualidades, (10), 17–34. https://doi.org/10.46661/relies.8242