Disidente perspectives front of neoconsonservaties policies


  • Elisete Schwade Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Norte
  • José María Valcuende del Río Universidad Pablo de Olavide https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1161-2611
  • Alejandra Salguero UNAM
  • Susana Rostagnol Universidad de la República




sexualities, sexual diversity, gender, neconservative policies


This issue of the magazine is commemorative, celebrating the 15 years of the LIESS Network, and alludes to different themes that crossed the five Congresses held so far.
Since the first movements of the organization of the Network, the activities carried out have been directed towards facing emerging contemporary issues in gender issues and especially in a field less addressed in Social Sciences: sexualities. In this direction, the dossier that we are now closing is composed of texts with the results of a rich set of investigations, involving processes and dynamics associated with the experience of sexualities, their different intersectional crossings, and the indication of forms of resistance to the advance of neoconservatism. These are surveys carried out from different areas, emphasizing the interdisciplinary character of the LIESS Network, focusing on experiences of emerging practices and others that renew themselves, emphasizing the procedural and dynamic character of the experience of sexualities and their multiple associations with body and gender.


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How to Cite

Schwade, E., Valcuende del Río , J. M. ., Salguero, A. ., & Rostagnol, S. (2023). Disidente perspectives front of neoconsonservaties policies. RELIES: Revista Del Laboratorio Iberoamericano Para El Estudio Sociohistórico De Las Sexualidades, (9), 140–146. https://doi.org/10.46661/relies.8342