
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • For any other questions or comments, write to us at
  • Do you need help uploading the document? Problems with the platform? Review the tutorials that we indicate in the guidelines. If you still have any questions or problems, please contact
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Guidelines for Authors. In particular, be careful not to use capital letters in the title of your proposal or in the first and last names.
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Guidelines for authors.
  • Since you are submitting a text to a peer review journal, make sure your text does not show data or metadata (file properties) with your identity.
  • Please, read all these submission guidelines or your proposal will be automatically rejected.
  • Do not use upper or lower case only for your personal details and title/subtitle. Use the correct spelling and spelling unless it is intentional.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for authors

1. International Journal of Political Thought (IJPT) publishes articles that result from an original research on subjects related to political thought. This includes researches on Political Philosophy, Political Science and Philosophy of Law.

The Journal is published yearly. It has both a printed and a digital edition. Articles in digital edition can be freely accessed by anyone from the moment they are published, to be printed or transmitted freely but never with an aim of commercial profit. Editorial deadline ends on November and the correspondent issue is published between January and February. Works in English, French and Italian are admitted, following the criteria established by the Editorial and Programming Board.

2. Articles must be original and unpublished, and/or neither accepted for publishing or being evaluated for publishing in any other medium or journal. In exceptional cases, commented translations of significant texts may be published under the section Several Studies.

3. Articles will be submitted to two external reviewers (double blind peer review system). Reviewers will be designated by the Board, and for further objectivity and fairness, those who may have an academic relation, or of kinship, with the authors will be excluded from the process.

Articles must obtain positive reports from both reviewers. In case of discrepancy, a third arbitral reviewer may be consulted. Articles may be definitively or provisionally accepted, with the condition that authors revise the text incorporating suggestions and/or corrections indicated by the reviewers. In this case, once received and evaluated for a second time, they may be definitively accepted for publishing.


4. You must prepare two documents: the manuscript of your article and your biography.

4.1 Your biography: this is a short text about your research career for the knowledge of the editorial board, not for the reviewers of your article. Name the document with your Surname_FirstName and head it inside with your full name, institution you belong to (it is possible to identify yourself as independent) and your e-mail. See previous issues for some examples. All in Times New Roman at 12, with the full name and surname in lower case except for the initials and in bold plus the text separated with a free space.

4.2 The article (and accompanying documents, if necessary):

4a. should be uploaded in Microsoft Word™ format, Times New Roman 12 font, with 2.5 symmetrical margins, single and half spaced, except for footnotes which should be in Times New Roman 10, single spaced. For separate quotations, see 4d .

After each full stop, leave a blank line (with an intro). Between headings and chapters leave a double space.  

4b. Articles should be no longer than 12,000 words and no shorter than 6,000 words, and bibliographic reviews should be no longer than 2,500 words. 

4c. Under no circumstances should inverted commas, underlining, tabs or italics be used for highlighting. The titles of articles and book chapters, reports, dossiers, etc. should be placed in inverted commas. Titles of journals, books, or newspapers should be italicised.

4d. Quotations in the text of more than three lines should be tabulated, in a separate paragraph, 1 cm. to the left only and without inverted commas.  Times New Roman font size 11. 

4e. The document must contain the bibliography at the end, and only of those readings that have been referenced. 

5. The first page of the article will include the title of the paper in the main language and English (without using capital letters for the whole title), an analytical abstract in Spanish and English (approximately 100 words), and keywords in both languages (between 4 and 6 words). The keywords must be entered separately (with the enter function in the journal, with commas in the manuscript), in lower case and in Times New Roman 12. 

6. Tables, tables, charts, graphs and figures included in the text must be integrated into the text in an orderly fashion and with references to the source. Each one of them must bear the type (table, chart, graph or figure) accompanied by a number and ordered from smallest to largest. These tables, charts, graphs or figures must also be sent separately in JPGE or PNG format and, in the event that they are protected by commercial rights, you must state that you have obtained permission to use them.

7. The citation system will be APA simplified. In the text, placing author, date and page in parentheses in the body of the article. Footnotes only, not bibliographical references. In bibliography, and in the case of repeating authorship, do not use "---". 


In-text citation:  (Díaz de la Hoz, 2000: 9).

Example of the most common bibliography:

Pérez-Luño, A.E. (1984). Derechos Humanos, Estado de Derecho y Constitución. Madrid: Tecnos.

Alarcón, C. (2006)."Análisis comparativo de los sistemas electorales", Revista Internacional de Pensamiento Político, vol. 1, pp. 123-144.

Mora-Molina, J.J. (2011). "Democracia, Constitución y Estado de Derecho ¿Hasta dónde nos sirve el modelo garantista?", en J.J. Mora Molina (coord.). Jaque a la democracia. Málaga: Sepha, pp. 49-75.

9. Authors must visit the journal’s website to follow the example of previous articles when it comes to the order of items that make for the heading of an article: title, author, abstracts and keywords; as well as the enumeration of articles. Articles must follow this order


Concientious objection (Title of the article in bold low-case)

Translation (Bold low-case)

Keywords: (From 4 to 6 keywords)

Translated Keywords: (Same as above)

Abstract: (About 100 words)

Translation: (Same as above)

1. Arguments in favour (bold)

1.1 First argument (italics)

1.2 Second argument (italics)

2. Arguments against (bold)

2.1 First argument (italics)

2.2 Second argument (italics)

Other minor paragraphs should always be in lower case, without bold, italics or underlining.

9. Your first document is almost ready. Name the document in word.docx with the title of the article and avoid leaving any trace of your identity, especially in relation to the document properties. If you do not know the procedure, please visit this COMUNICAR magazine tutorial for word or contact

You should then have the necessary documents to start the submission process.  


Please send us both (or more) documents in duplicate in two instalments:

1) Send an email to with in copy with both documents and wait for aproval.

If you are assigned to a monograph, ask the monograph coordinator about how to handle it. Under no circumstances will the steps described above be omitted.

2) Once we have checked that you meet the formal requirements, you will be asked to register, and proceed submitting your proposal for a double blind peer review.

We strongly recommend that you provide your ORCID profile. If you have any doubts, you can consult the following guide: 

The journal procedure

A. Once inside your submission profile, and with your legal consent, you will be able to upload the core document of your research as "article text". Attachments will be counted in the last step. Remember that this document is the one that will be sent for review and must be anonymised. 

B. The second step is to secure the title of your paper. The platform will automatically anonymise this. 

C. In the third step, you must attach the second document: click on "send another file" and add the documents you need without forgetting a brief biographical sketch of the firm/s, five to ten lines, which will be included and published in the corresponding section of the journal. Please pay attention to the indications you can see above.

Contribution of authorship: In the case of co-authorship, you must indicate the level of contribution in each of the phases of both the research and the writing of the contribution. For this purpose, it is recommended to follow the CRediT taxonomy

D. Enter the requested and compulsory data: title, abstract, other signatures, keywords (separated by "intro"), and in "citations", include your complete bibiography with a white separator line. 

Under Funding: declare the funding received for your research by indicating the funding agency, programme and award code.   

E. RIPP will correspond via mail, being the acknowledgement of receipt of the submitted paper the first feedback. Articles will be evaluated by the double-blind system within three months of receipt.

Privacy Statement

The data controller of the personal data provided for the journals to which Revistas UPO gives access is the Revista Internacional de Pensamiento Político. To consult additional and detailed information on data protection, please contact the journal Revista Internacional de Pensamiento Político at the address indicated in "about/contact".

You are also informed that the Universidad Pablo de Olavide acts as Data Processor for each of the files owned by the different journals. Therefore, the Universidad Pablo de Olavide, facilitates the exercise of their rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation of processing, data portability, opposition and not to be subject to automated individual decisions, including profiling by contacting the headquarters of the Universidad Pablo de Olavide, located at Ctra. de Utrera, km. 1 41013, Seville (ES), or requesting it by email to the address, accompanied by proof of identity.

You can consult the legal notice and privacy policy of the Universidad Pablo de Olavide by clicking here.