Beyond mythologies. Rights and responsibilities in the supranational powers age


  • Rafael Rodríguez-Prieto Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, España



responsibility, justice, hegemony, capitalism, security


We need economic security, but not abstract economic security. Why do we want economic security? Because we are citizens, and citizenship must hold the right to an adequate job, housing, and nutrition. Nevertheless, this is not the sense in which the term is often employed in capitalist times. Capitalism is based on the logic of maximization of benefi t. To speak about democracy and human rights necessarily involves rethinking this situation. We have to reassert our priorities such as protection of the environment, economic fairness, and equity among nations. All of this is a response to longer term issues, principally the failure of neoclassical economy to deliver long term security, the global environmental crisis, and the plight of the poor. In a few words, it is necessary an alternative model of structural adjustment in the framework of a new logic of responsibility.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Prieto, R. (2021). Beyond mythologies. Rights and responsibilities in the supranational powers age. International Journal of Political Thought, 1, 207–224.



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