Basic income and gender equality: a republican defense


  • María Julia Bertomeu Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, España
  • Camila Vollenwider Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, España



Basic Income, Gender Equality, Republicanism, Domination


Based on a republican conception, we defend Citizen Income [Ingreso Ciudadano] as a superior way, relative to other targeted measures, to mitigate the gender inequalities that are characteristic of capitalism. We pose that Citizen Income is the only available measure that is capable of simultaneously affecting what we take to be the two main sites of patriarchal-patrimonial domination: the domestic and corporate domains. Our republican argument promotes the inclusion of the concept of domination in gender studies, since that concept allows to solve the confusions that the best-known conceptual dichotomies generate, such as the production / reproduction dichotomy, which is politically irrelevant, and the public / private one, which is often used in an ahistorical way and lacking an institutional foundation.


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How to Cite

Bertomeu, M. J., & Vollenwider, C. (2016). Basic income and gender equality: a republican defense. International Journal of Political Thought, 6, 151–164.


