Immigration, a multifaceted phenomenon: an approach oriented to foster a healthy co-existence


  • Michel-Ange Iblè Kambiré Somda Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, España



Migratory movements, world economy, globalization, competitiveness, neoliberal , transformation, neoliberal model


From the 80s there begins a deep transformation of the world economy, and there appears a process of economic globalization based on the planetary extension of the free trade and in defining the beginning of the competitiveness as motive of development. It is true that this neoliberal model has estimated up to limits till now not known the exchange of the capital, goods and information. Nevertheless, this economic international disorder is developing on a planetary space of enormous structural differences, on which there are imposed global forms of social, economic and cultural organization that are turning out to be seriously unjust, as the reality demonstrates. For it the different movements of workers’ migrations, refugee and displaced it is a consequence.


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How to Cite

Iblè Kambiré Somda, M.-A. (2016). Immigration, a multifaceted phenomenon: an approach oriented to foster a healthy co-existence. International Journal of Political Thought, 6, 327–346.



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