The Palestinian dilemma: an internal or a human question?


  • Jad El Khannoussi Universidad de Cádiz, Cádiz, España



Palestine, Balfour, Boicot Movement, Refugees, Palestinian Authority


The Palestinian dilemma is not simply an internal, Arab or Islamic issue, nor is it a religious or ideological problem. It is a question that affects all the free beings of the earth who, in one way or another, respond to the cries uttered by a people, those of a victim against his aggressor. Increasingly, the associations and organizations on a planetary scale that defend the Palestinian right to live in dignity are growing, which makes their legitimacy very powerful.


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How to Cite

El Khannoussi, J. . (2021). The Palestinian dilemma: an internal or a human question?. International Journal of Political Thought, 13(1), 123–144.



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