Islam, politics, and power in Morocco


  • Mohamed El Mouden Universidad de Cádiz, Cádiz, España



Political Islam, Monarchy, Politics, Power, Legitimacy, Public space


This article deals with the forms taken by the relationship bet- ween politics and religion in Morocco through the political practices of the dominant power represented by the monarchy against the forces of political Islam. These forces compete in acquiring the legitimacy of the political re- presentation of Islam in the public space. This article highlights the types of political relations that are established between the monarchy and political Islam. This relationship is subject to strategic interests of the official power (the monarchy) and to the aspirations of political Islam to become a legiti- mate actor in political play from religion.


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How to Cite

El Mouden, M. . (2021). Islam, politics, and power in Morocco. International Journal of Political Thought, 13(1), 145–159.



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