Zygmunt Bauman: the understanding of an infinite universe


  • Alberto González Pascual Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, España




Zygmunt Bauman, liquid rationality, liquid love, adiaphorization, alienation


As a tribute to the intellectual, moral and political contributions of the works of Zygmunt Bauman, this article (in memoriam) presents a dialectical synthesis of the core concepts that he developed throughout his prolific career (adiaphorization, liquid rationality, liquid love, the marginalization of the poor, the undervaluation of those who are different subsumed into subhuman categories and the urgency of the awareness to act ethically). In the critical exposition, layers of analysis from other thinkers (such as Kant, Freud, Plato, Lacan, Levinas and Marx) are allowed to emerge in order to provide Bauman’s transcendent and potentially utopian thinking with greater splendor, amplitude and flexibility.


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Bauman, Zygmunt. La sociedad sitiada. Fondo de cultura económica, Buenos Aires, 2004.

Bauman, Zygmunt. La ética posmoderna. Siglo XXI, Madrid, 2009.

Kant. Immanuel ¿Qué es la Ilustración? Alianza editorial, Madrid, 2013.

Kant, Immanuel. Crítica de la razón pura. Taurus, Madrid, 2017.

Plotino. Enéadas. Losada, Buenos Aires, 2005, p. 84 y ss.

Rodríguez Baigorria, Martin, "La Ilustración alemana y los dilemas de la Schwärmerei” en Aufklärung. Revista de filosofía, 2014, 1 (julio-diciembre).



How to Cite

González Pascual, A. (2021). Zygmunt Bauman: the understanding of an infinite universe. International Journal of Political Thought, 13(1), 163–192. https://doi.org/10.46661/revintpensampolit.4092



In Memoriam