Analysis of the agreements between Spain and morocco -the guarantee of the circulation of immigrants on the southern border of the autonomous city of Melilla-


  • María del Águila Lara-Palacios Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, España



Human Rights, circulation of persons, readmission, immigrants, refugees, visa


Immigrants, from the Middle East and African countries, who try to arrive European land looking for a better future are usually involved in trafficking of human beings during their trip, given the impossibility to obtain a visa. While trying to arrive to Melilla from Morocco live a situation of total vulnerability, all Universal Human Rights being violated. This article analyzes the measures registered in the existing regulations for these people which could be taken to cross the border ensuring their physical integrity.


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How to Cite

Lara-Palacios, M. del Águila. (2021). Analysis of the agreements between Spain and morocco -the guarantee of the circulation of immigrants on the southern border of the autonomous city of Melilla-. International Journal of Political Thought, 13(1), 455–472.



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