Social Rights under the aegis of Amartya Sen's theory of justice


  • Fernando Borba de Castro Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal



Amartya Sen, Human Rights, Social Rights, Capabilities, Social Justice


The aim of this study is to exhibit and discuss social rights under the aegis of Amartya Sen’s theory of justice. The Indian economist’s approach
of capabilities reveals a prospect committed to the progress of human rights obligations and essential to the production of a Social Constitutional State. Focusing on the needs of people beset by deprivation allows us to advance in the investigation of the nature of social rights, as well as in the extent to which they are human and constitutional rights. Relating it to authors such as Martha Nussbaum and Miguel Nogueira de Brito, we study the impact of the positivation of the benefit rights in the Constitutions and we look for an alternative to its concretization by means of a process exclusively of judicialization


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How to Cite

Borba de Castro, F. (2020). Social Rights under the aegis of Amartya Sen’s theory of justice. International Journal of Political Thought, 14, 153–174.



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