New instruments of human rights protection in the context of globalization: notes on the business and human rights treaty


  • Daniel Iglesias-Márquez Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, España



globalization, business, human rights, treaty, prevention and remediation


Globalization has created the favourable conditions for businesses to expand their activities and to accumulate capital in a context without economic borders. This in turn has raised significant challenges for ensuring the enjoyment of human rights and environmental protection in the context of business activities. Against this background, various instruments have emerged whose objectives are to prevent and to ensure effective access to remedy for victims of human rights abuses and violations committed by businesses. This papers explores the possible added value of a treaty on business and human rights to deal with corporate power and impunity. It also examines how this instrument fits into the context of economic globalization.


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How to Cite

Iglesias-Márquez, D. (2020). New instruments of human rights protection in the context of globalization: notes on the business and human rights treaty. International Journal of Political Thought, 14, 229–249.



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