The concept of hegemony in international relations: a criticism of Andreas Antoniades


  • Eduardo Molina-Campano Laboratorio de Ideas y Prácticas Políticas (UPO), Sevilla, España



hegemony, international relations, international political economy, coercion, consent and power movement


This research aims to analyze the different theoretical approaches existing in the discipline of international relations in relation to the concept
of hegemony. For this, the Gramscian origin of the term and its subsequent evolution will be investigated until it reaches the debate that concerns us. Within this discussion the author will focus on the study of the proposal of Andreas Antoniades defined as -Power Movement- in order to subject it to criticism from the perspective of the Critical International Political Economy. This perspective that the author will leave semi implicitly raised has two fundamental elements that characterize it, namely: it takes the sub discipline of international political economy as an approach to the analysis of international relations but secondly it does so from a critical materialist position regarding the schools in force in schools such subdiscipline.


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How to Cite

Molina-Campano, E. (2020). The concept of hegemony in international relations: a criticism of Andreas Antoniades. International Journal of Political Thought, 14, 427–436.



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