Degrow, conviviality and pos-development


  • Fernando Tula-Molina Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina



Good Life, Pos-development, Conviviality, Degrow


This paper celebrates and criticises the one by Jairo Marcos Pérez, “Beyond Development: Degrowth” (2017). It is indicated the benefits not to see the concept of “conviviality” proposed by Iván Illich as a soft one, but as a solid vector of degrow. In another hand, André Gorz´s proposal to beguin a neatly quit from the opulent consumption socity allows not to broke completely with money and goods as criteria of true degrow. It is enough to beguin, soon as possible, a new strategy -centered on descomercialized activities- that get our lifetime back.


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How to Cite

Tula-Molina, F. (2020). Degrow, conviviality and pos-development. International Journal of Political Thought, 14, 515–534.



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