Universal Basic Income: Design Considerations and Risks in its Implementation


  • Eduardo Garzón Espinosa Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, España




Universal Basic Income, social protection, conditionality


The Universal Basic Income proposal is becoming more and more known both in the academic field and outside it and that has led it to receive more and more attention and also more criticism. It is hardly questionable that the Universal Basic Income has very important advantages compared to other types of public social protection benefits: its coverage reaches the entire population and the economic security and freedom it offers allows no one to be forced to accept poor and precarious jobs to cover their basic needs. In addition, all this can be achieved at an affordable cost and through a relatively simple and fast application (especially compared to many conditional social benefits). However, the start-up of a Universal Basic Income is not exempt from questions or important risks to take into account. The aim of this work is to identify and analyze some of them, with the ultimate goal of overcoming them to perfect a measure that already has enormous economic and social potential.


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How to Cite

Garzón Espinosa, E. (2021). Universal Basic Income: Design Considerations and Risks in its Implementation. International Journal of Political Thought, 15, 91–108. https://doi.org/10.46661/revintpensampolit.5595



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