The Totalitarian State Theory and the “Principle of Integration of Powers” in the Legal and Political Philosophy of Carl Schmitt


  • Carlos Aguilar Blanc Universidad de Huelva, Huelva, España



National Socialism, Führerstaat, Totalitarian state, Carl Schmitt, fundamental rights


The main intellectual foundations of the law and the State made from the point of the National Socialist legal philosophy, made by the famous german jurist Carl Schmitt. This work addresses, among others, some of Schmitt’s writings which were written during his affiliation with the Nazi party. It will be analyzed the formulation of the Schmittianian totalitarian state theory or the “Führer State” based on its well-known friend-enemy dialectic, and the application of this totalitarian theory as a justification for the crimes committed during the night of the long knives. The role and relevance of the academic world in the foundation and legitimacy of State repression carried out by the Nazi regime.


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How to Cite

Aguilar Blanc, C. . (2021). The Totalitarian State Theory and the “Principle of Integration of Powers” in the Legal and Political Philosophy of Carl Schmitt. International Journal of Political Thought, 15, 241–264.



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