The Water Crisis in the Middle East and Its Hydro-Political Connotations


  • Jad el Khannoussi Universidad de Cádiz, Cádiz, España



Water crisis, GAP project, Nile, Euphrates, Jordan, Middle East


Water quenches thirst, and it can also function as a spark that lights a fire. Recent surveys warn about the scarcity of this vital resource and even alert that the concept “War for water” will be one of those that find greater media resonance. The future is full of conflicts-despite the existence of state law and regulations-especially between countries with basins and river mouths. The best example can be found in the Middle East most likely to be the scene of armed conflicts, particularly since the emergence of Israel as the main leading role. This article tries to shed some light on this issue and analyze its points of dispute.


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How to Cite

el Khannoussi, J. . (2021). The Water Crisis in the Middle East and Its Hydro-Political Connotations. International Journal of Political Thought, 15, 347–370.



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