For an effective and egalitarian vindication of the rights of women citizens.




Enlightenment, the woman question, rights, equality, eighteenth century, Rosa Califronia


The 18th century will be a crucial period in the women’s fight for the vindication of their rights. The revolutionary spirit of the Enlightenment had also penetrated them, who anxiously longed for the arrival of a definitive turn that would culminate in a radical transformation of society, where, finally, there would be room for both sexes on equal terms. However, the acclaimed proclamation of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, approved in Paris in 1789, above all expectations, will exclude them from the sphere of human rights. There were many reactions in Europe against such injustice, among them the publication, in Italy, in 1794, of the treatise Breve difesa dei diritti delle Donne, which we will give an account of in this article.


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How to Cite

Gonzalez de Sande, M. (2022). For an effective and egalitarian vindication of the rights of women citizens. International Journal of Political Thought, 16, 193–214.



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