The Aporias of a Disenchanted Representation

A Comparative Approach to the Concept of the Sovereign in Max Weber and Carl Schmitt


  • Lorién Gómez Solano Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Sovereignty, Political order, disenchaintment, representation, Weber, Schmitt


Since Hobbes, the theorization of the personal sovereign within the political order as a denatured representative instance has been conflictive. This study aims to address that problem in the work of Max Weber and Carl Schmitt, who, parting from a diagnosis of modernity as disenchantment of the world, display opposing conceptions of political representation and democracy which grant a major role to the sovereign as the last ratio of order before the democratization of the State. In the light of two historical-anthropological conceptions of domination, three crucial aporias are detected in this propositive transition to understand the relationship between both authors: how to personify the impersonal domination of the modern State, how to accommodate plurality in a disenchanted political order and how to deal with the ethical relationship between ends and means in politics. On one hand, Weber proposes a republican form in which the president, supported by the masses in a plebiscite, acts by consolidating the legal-rational legitimacy of the democratic regime through his charisma. On the other hand, Schmitt theorizes a form of representation inspired by the Catholic Church, in which the sovereign acts as a decision-maker in the political sphere in exceptional cases and to a greater extent, as a catalyst for the total identification of the people with the State under the distinction friend- enemy.











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How to Cite

Gómez Solano, L. (2022). The Aporias of a Disenchanted Representation: A Comparative Approach to the Concept of the Sovereign in Max Weber and Carl Schmitt. International Journal of Political Thought, 17(1), 477–498.



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