Freedom of movement, exclusion of immigrants, and the right to travel




right to travel, right to exclude, migration, freedom of movement, open borders, ethics of migration


Discussions on human mobility tend to focus on migration as settlement, ignoring travel and short-term stays. The objective of this article is twofold. The first has to do with the need to distinguish both phenomena. To this end, it proposes to conceive of travel as conceptually and normatively separate from migration. With this distinction in mind, the second objective is to defend the right to travel, based on the instrumental and intrinsic value of freedom of movement. Once we understand mobility as the norm, we will be in a position to establish the exceptions that delimit its exercise. We then proceed to examine the arguments in favor of migration controls, concluding that they do not stand up against the right to travel. The article responds to two additional objections: that of the unauthorized extension of the stay as a form of concealed migration, and that of the arbitrariness in the distinction between short- and long-term travel. Finally, we consider some situations in which the right to travel could be legitimately restricted.


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How to Cite

Niño Arnaiz, B. (2022). Freedom of movement, exclusion of immigrants, and the right to travel. International Journal of Political Thought, 17(1), 644–662.



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