The Concept of Rule Of Law In Contemporary Legal Philosophy


  • José López Hernández Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, España



rule of law, theory of Public Law, legal order, validity, Çsovereignty, equivalence of law and the state


The aim of this paper is to present the origin, development and essential attributes of the concept of rule of law (Rechtsstaat). Born within the framework of German public law science towards the end of the 19th century, it became established as a key concept in theory of Public Law through Kelsen’s work. The rule of law is, in its origin, a strictly formal concept, with the following essential attributes: the equivalence of law and the state and the complete adaptation of the activity of the state to the legal order. Material aspects are left out, such as the introduction of rights and freedoms or the political system of the state. For over a century now, the concept of the rule of law has presided over the development of legal philosophy and the general theory of law.


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How to Cite

López Hernández, J. (2022). The Concept of Rule Of Law In Contemporary Legal Philosophy. International Journal of Political Thought, 17(1), 359–375.



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