Reflections on the “populist reason” and its mythical form of configuration of the people, from the philosophy of Ernst Cassirer


  • Pablo Facundo Ríos Flores CONICET- Universidad de Buenos Aires



people, populism, sacred, political myth


In On Populist Reason, Ernesto Laclau reflects on the logic of the formation of collective identities and, in particular, of "the people" as a political category. In this work, the author recognizes the importance of the "metamorphosis of the sacred" in the logic of popular sovereignty of modern democracies and, with it, in populism. The present work aims to analyze the logic of "populist reason", described by Laclau, as a mythical modality of constitution of political subjectivity, based on Ernst Cassirer's reflections on the "political myth". With this, it is intended to shed light on some aspects of the process of sacralization present in the construction of the "popular" identity characteristic of populism, as well as its inherent dangers, in contemporary political life.


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How to Cite

Ríos Flores, P. F. (2023). Reflections on the “populist reason” and its mythical form of configuration of the people, from the philosophy of Ernst Cassirer. International Journal of Political Thought, 18(18), 447–469.



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