Dignity of (non-human) animals in the Anthropocene





Animal dignity, human dignity, anthropocene, sentient beings, NHA


The human species has become a geological force capable of irreparably impacting the planet, ushering in a new era called the Anthropocene. One of the main affected by this has been non-human animals, however, while the former enjoy protection of their fundamental rights and dignity, the latter have historically been treated as property and have been denied dignitary recognition. Given the damage caused to the planet and consequently to other forms of life, it is worth asking: can we speak of the dignity of animals in the current era? To answer this, the article reviews the concept of dignity, and then discusses, based on the literature, the elements that would exclude animals The human species has become a geological force capable of irreparably impacting the planet, ushering in a new era called the Anthropocene. One of the main affected by this has been non-human animals, however, while the former enjoy protection of their fundamental rights and dignity, the latter have historically been treated as property and have been denied dignitary recognition. Given the damage caused to the planet and consequently to other forms of life, it is worth asking: can we speak of the dignity of animals in the current era? To answer this, the article reviews the concept of dignity, and then discusses, based on the literature, the elements that would exclude animals


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How to Cite

Riquelme Arriagada, A. (2023). Dignity of (non-human) animals in the Anthropocene. International Journal of Political Thought, 18(18), 471–486. https://doi.org/10.46661/rev.int.pensampolit.8442



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