The indomitable mass

Notes on the concept of democracy in Ortega y Gasset


  • Valentín Navarro Caro Centro Universitario San Isidoro



democracy, Philosophy, equality, Politics, Ortega y Gasset


José Ortega y Gasset is one of the most brilliant philosophers of the 20th century in Spain. His work, however, so highly praised in fields such as anthropology and epistemology, has been criticised and denigrated in the political sphere for its defence of the theory of the elite, to the extent that some have seen him as a precursor of fascism. The aim of these pages is, on the contrary, to show how, contrary to what is traditionally held, Ortega was a staunch supporter of the democratic system, to the defence of which he devoted his life and not only his work.


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How to Cite

Navarro Caro, V. (2023). The indomitable mass: Notes on the concept of democracy in Ortega y Gasset. International Journal of Political Thought, 18(18), 429–446.



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