Narration and assessment of the facts in the sentences relating to the crime of libel against the crown in the Stern Taulats and Roura Capellera case

An ‘uncrossable’ border between the ECHR and the Spanish courts?


  • Jose Cepedello Boiso Universidad Pablo de Olavide, de Sevilla



narrative semiotics, European Court of Human Rights, B.S. Jackson, narratology, crime of libel against the Crown


In the present study, a narratological analysis is carried out of the accounts of the events present in the Spanish sentences of the Stern Taulats and Roura Capellera case relating to an alleged crime of libel against the Crown. The three narrative levels of meaning present in the accounts of the events are analyzed with the purpose of analyzing the subsequent assessment made by the ECHR regarding the legal assessment carried out by the Spanish courts. From the analysis it is concluded that it is in the narrative construction of the story of the events carried out by the Spanish courts where the root of this supposedly uncrossable border between the Spanish courts and the ECHR is found.


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How to Cite

Cepedello Boiso, J. . (2023). Narration and assessment of the facts in the sentences relating to the crime of libel against the crown in the Stern Taulats and Roura Capellera case: An ‘uncrossable’ border between the ECHR and the Spanish courts?. International Journal of Political Thought, 18(18), 261–284.



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