Surveillance democracy

data, activism, and counter-power


  • Patrici Calvo Jaume I University image/svg+xml
  • Carlos Saura García Universitat Jaume I



surveillance democracy, mass social surveillance, democratic despotism, technological despotism, datactivism, datahackerism


This research critically analyses the current socio-political and economic context of mass surveillance in order to reconstruct the keys and conditions of possibility that guide its development in a fair and responsible sense. The study, on the one hand, warns of the dangers and disruptive impacts underlying the mass social surveillance currently exercised by states and large technological corporations. On the other, it suggests that this mass social surveillance is giving rise to despotic practices that pervert democratic processes, reduce spaces of freedom and increase the inequality gap. Finally, it offers guidelines for confronting mass social surveillance: the promotion of a strong civil society that acts as a counter-power to the state and big techs.



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How to Cite

Calvo, P., & Saura García, C. (2024). Surveillance democracy: data, activism, and counter-power . International Journal of Political Thought, 19, 395–417.



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