1.3 Human Nutrition and Dietetic
First Year
First Semester
Fichero | Formato |
201001 - Human Anatomy | |
201002 - Applied Chemistry | |
201003 - Cell Biology | |
201004 - Biochemistry | |
201005 - Food Industry Economy and Management |
Second Semester
Fichero | Formato |
201006 - Human Physiology | |
201007 - Biostatistics | |
201009 - Human Genetics | |
201010 - Food and Culture |
Second Year
First Semester
Fichero | Formato |
201011 - Bromatology | |
201012 - Food Technology | |
201013 - Nutrition and Life Cycle | |
201015 - Food Legislation | |
201016 - Food Microbiology |
Second Semester
Fichero | Formato |
201017 - Physiopathology | |
201018 - Hygiene and Food Safety | |
201019 - Dietetics | |
201021 - Culinary Technology | |
201026 - Nutritional Education |
Third Year
First Semester
Second Semester
Fourth Year
First Semester
Second Semester