Legislation comparison on teaching of foreign languages in Basic Education according to the LOE and the LOMCE
communicative approach, foreign languageAbstract
The Decree of August 10, 2007 (normative development LOE) establishes that students had to learn only one foreign language with a class schedule which exceeded 4 hours per week in each of the cycles. However, the Decree of March 17, 2015 (normative development LOMCE) collects up to a second foreign language and with a direct teaching load of language lessons higher than twice the previous regulations. In addition, the curricular development map in this last law presents the evaluation criteria of each of the cycle and their relation to the rest of the curricular elements. It does not have as a reference the contents for the whole curriculum development, as in the LOE. In this respect, although the trend of teaching foreign languages in Andalusia follows very ambitious patterns through the development of their curricula from the LOE to the LOMCE, it prioritizes the development of skills at the expense of the accumulation of content. This teaching intent is a big step towards another dimension in the way of acquiring key competences.
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