Students’ acceptance of google classroom as an effective pedagogical tool for Physical Education
Evaluación de la aceptación estudiantil como herramienta pedagógica
Acceptance, Google Classroom, Pedagogical Tool, PLS-SEM, Technology Acceptance ModelAbstract
Google Classroom is practical for teachers and students as it makes the teaching and learning process more manageable. It is one of the practical pedagogical tools used by various higher educational institutions, as supported by previous studies. In line with this, the study is focused on exploring the factors that affect students’ acceptance of Google Classroom as an effective tool in learning Physical Education, adapting the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). After obtaining data from 1,916 students currently taking minor PE in an online setting at City College of Angeles and after performing Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), the results revealed that students perceived ease of use positively predict their perceived usefulness of the LMS. Moreover, perceived ease of use positively influences students’ behavioral intention to use. Also, the students’ perceived usefulness increases behavioral intention to use Google Classroom in learning PE. Lastly, behavioral intent to use leverages students’ actual use of the educational platform. The findings of this study help the academic council and higher administration to decide if the said LMS can continuously be used as the college is still in a full-online learning modality. Recommendations and future research directions are also presented.
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