Technology Innovation in STEM Education
A Review and Analysis
STEM Education, Learning, Teaching, Technology Innovation, SLRAbstract
The study examines research articles on STEM education and its technology innovation that have been indexed by the Scopus, Web of Science (WoS) databases, Springer, and Google, and aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the high-impact empirical studies in STEM education. The authors' conclusions are consistent with past studies on the topic, highlighting the increasing need for technology-based occupations as robots replace humans in industry and society. The study highlights several issues in the field of STEM education, including the gender divide and the effects of STEM education on people of all ethnicities. The authors provide an in-depth investigation of high-impact empirical studies in STEM education to understand the progress of research paradigms in the subject. The study offers an up-to-date view of the highly cited empirical research articles in STEM education and technology, serving as a solid foundation for future studies. It is recommended that future research continues to emphasize creativity, particularly in the field of science, in both research and education. The authors stress the importance of addressing the issues of the gender divide and the effects of STEM education on people of all ethnicities in future research.
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