Bibliotherapy to prevent bullying. A systematic review
Bullying, Adolescence, Bibliotherapy, Reading, PreventionAbstract
Bullying is a serious social and health problem due to the dimensions it reaches and the consequences it entails. Since the application of bibliotherapy in pediatric and educational social-health interventions has been shown to be effective, it can be assumed that it can also be used as a bullying prevention tool. This paper presents a systematic review of studies on the use of reading books against bullying. In order to carry out the review, a search was conducted, without restriction of language, dates or databases, through BRAIN (acronym in Spanish for Learning and Research Resource Finder) of the King Juan Carlos University of Madrid. Twelve of the 2,604 records initially identified met the established search, selection and inclusion criteria. In this article, these 12 papers are analyzed. The data extracted from the analysis allow us to confirm the validity and usefulness of bibliotherapy to help prevent and address bullying.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nuria Anaya-Reig, Carlota Martín-Borja Gallego, Vicente Calvo Fernández, Juan Calderón Cisneros

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